4 things nobody is saying about Bernie Sanders

The independent senator from Vermont garnered national recognition over the summer, polling just 7 percentage points behind Hillary Clinton in the Iowa Caucus. His populist platform resonates with young adults in particular, who plaster his image all over websites such as Tumblr and Reddit.

Source: reddit

As an independent, I support many of the tenets he champions. I admire his decision to refuse campaign contributions from Super PACs. I even have a soft spot for his punny “Feel the Bern” merchandising.

Nevertheless, I’m surprised he hasn’t been reviewed with a more critical eye. If you’re itching to vote for Bernie Sanders in 2016, consider these factors first.

  1. We’ve seen his strategy before – with lackluster results.

Hello, Bernie? 2008 Barack Obama called, he wants his campaign back.

Obama’s promises of “hope” and “change” were perhaps the most memorable messages of the 2008 election. Although the strategy was potent enough to secure his nomination, many Americans found those promises to be empty over the next four years.

Is Sanders falling into the same trap? So far, his platform offers similarly lofty expectations that fail to be supplemented by legitimate policy proposals. This is a proven recipe for nationwide dissatisfaction.

The election cycle is still young, but it would be a shame for history to repeat itself so soon.

  1. He is an independent running for the Democratic ticket.

There are two views on this bold move: A) It is a contradiction that goes against the spirit of identifying as an independent, or B) it is a necessary means of fighting the D.C. political machine, beginning by manipulating it from the inside.

It will be up to voters to decide where they stand.

Sanders seems to think the former, stating, “[There is] profound anger at both political parties, more and more people are becoming independent, the negative is, how do you set up a 50-state infrastructure as an independent?”

He would know, considering he’s the longest-serving independent in congressional history. Speaking of which. . .

  1. He is a career politician.

Sanders has spent over two thirds of his adult life as an elected official. In his 34 years of service to the state of Vermont, he has been a mayor, a House member, and a senator. Previously, he made four unsuccessful runs for office (twice for governor and twice for the senate).

In fact, his background is quite similar to his Democratic challengers, both notorious career politicians.


The entire presidential election so far has been characterized by anti-establishment themes and candidates. Is Sanders too political for his populist platform?

  1. . . .and what has he accomplished?

Honestly, not much.

During his 24 years in Congress, Sanders has sponsored 354 bills. Of those, three were signed into law and two were agreed to as simple resolutions.

Again, allow us to compare these numbers to his current competition.

Source: POLITICANA, govtrack.us

These numbers are slightly lower than Clinton’s (despite the fact that she only served in the Senate for eight years), and starkly contrasted to Biden’s.

Unfortunately, the quality of his legislation doesn’t make up for the lack of quantity. One of his laws offers additional compensation for disabled veterans (yay!). However, his other two laws simply erected a singular post office building each (meh).

What do you think?

Will Sanders be able to deliver on his campaign promises? Are you bothered that he’s running for the Democratic nomination, despite being a self-proclaimed independent? Is he like other career politicians? Has he been successful enough to justify his tenure in office?

Are you still “Feeling the Bern”?

Trump: 15 minutes of front-running?

Don't look so glum, Donald. Source: One America News Network.On Friday night, Sarah Palin interviewed Republican front-runner Donald Trump – a match that could only be made more conservative by resurrecting the father of Reaganomics himself.

The segment aired on One America News (OAN), a small network with limited reach via cable providers. Furthermore, the network’s website crashed due to high demand several hours before the interview was scheduled to begin.

It sounds like the exclusive “interview of the year,” right? Wrong.

Palin addressed Trump as a martyr for conservatism, lauding his “sacrifice to hit the campaign trail.” Although she addressed the real estate mogul’s recent snafus with the “idiots in the media,” she failed to ask him any “gotcha” questions herself.

Instead, the interview was peppered with inaccurate statistics and political aphorisms.  Both individuals spouted off numbers that were as inflated as their egos; unemployment is nowhere near 93 million, and Trump’s overall polling percentage is almost a third less than the 41 percent Palin claimed. After ten minutes of sound bites about taxes, veterans, and the Bible, political pundits everywhere were likely feeling underwhelmed.

The media response to the highly anticipated interview was lukewarm, if not laughable – and rightfully so. Trump milks the press as a form of free advertising. He makes bold, and often times offensive statements that no serious politician would dare to utter. Trump is living, breathing click-bait. After all, bad publicity is better than none at all.

However, I predict that the reign of the “Trumpeters” and “Trumpservatives” will be short-lived. As the general public grows tired of his distasteful exploitation tactics, the media will cease covering them.

Consider the 2012 presidential election. At this point in the election cycle (August 27, 2011), Rick Perry was the leader of the polls by 2.5 percent. Exactly two months later, the top spot was occupied by Herman Cain, former president and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. By December 27th, Newt Gingrinch was ahead by 2.8 polling points. Rick Santorum was leading by 3.3 points two months after that.

Despite the front-runners who came and went like contestants on The Price is Right, who was consistently in second place? Mitt Romney, who ultimately won the GOP ticket by a landslide of 52.8 percent – a whopping 33.8 points more than his nearest competitor.

For now, I’m not worried about the land of the free and the home of the brave being run by a reality television host. In fact, I’m rather enjoying the show.